![Elffor - From the Throne of Hate](http://static.rateyourmusic.com/album_images/s2088829.jpg)
Artist: Elffor (Spain)
Album Title: From the Throne of Hate
Label: Northern Silence Productions (Germany)
Released: 2004, 2008 (reissue year)
I already reviewed the 2004 self-released version of this album back in October 2007, which you can read here: http://thefinalage.blogspot.com/2007/10/album-elffor-from-throne-of-hate.html
Most of what I wanted to say I already did in that review, so this is meant only to supplement it as it concerns the Northern Silence reissue of the album.
The first three Elffor CD's have been given the reissue treatment so far. Supposedly, they are also re-recorded, but From the Throne of Hate is definitely not re-recorded, and I have my doubts that the first two albums are, either. In my opinion, re-recording From the Throne of Hate would have probably diminished its greatness, so I'm glad that it was left alone, and that the only changes (other than perhaps some remastering) are two bonus tracks added to the end.
Because this is one of my favorite metal albums, I decided to pick up the Northern Silence reissue. I bought the digipack, which according to the back is an "Exclusive Fan Edition" limited to 999 copies. According to the information at Encyclopedia Metallum, however, the digipack is actually limited to 500 copies, while the jewel case version is limited to 1,000. I don't really care either way, because all I care about is that, when I recommend this CD to someone, they'll actually be able to find it, at least until this version is sold out.
The artwork has all been redone, and now the lyrics are printed in the booklet. This confirms my suspicion that the lyrics are pretty bad, but this album isn't about the lyrics. It's about that incredible, dark, medieval atmosphere. The album remains great, and I still listen to it very often. Man, do I love this album.
But what about the bonus tracks, for the other 499 of you who bought it the first time around? Are they worth the cost of buying the CD all over again? Well, the bonus tracks clock in at a total of 14 1/2 minutes, and my guess is that they were at least recorded sometime after From the Throne of Hate (and probably after The Unblessed Woods, which they resemble more closely). So there's definitely a noticeable difference; they don't sound like songs that belong on the album and were somehow left out. I like The Unblessed Woods, but it's no From the Throne of Hate. And these new songs are good (some may even like them more than the actual album), but they don't really add anything except, well, a pair of new Elffor songs (one being instrumental), which is good enough for me but might not be for you. Actually, "Misterious (sic) Dawn" is really good. When is Elffor going to record a new full-length? Hopefully soon.
Elffor is great medieval ambient black metal, and Northern Silence is awesome for reissuing his albums. Definitely check this project out if you haven't yet.
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